February 24, 2015
“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” -John Burroughs
Living in Los Angeles for the past four years I had forgotten what the word “park” meant, unless it was relating to trying to fit my Hyundai between a Range Rover and a Bentley in an overly packed parking lot. Unfortunately the only area designated as a park near my home in LA is not the most relaxing place where one can feel close to nature. I wouldn’t be able to sit on a bench surrounded by quiet and reflect on anything…unless I was reflecting on the shirtless supermodels running past me. Yes a park in LA, for the most part is a place where you go to be seen.
Ah, London. If I just take a quick walk and go around a few corners I arrive at a mystical place, a real park! Over 350 acres of lush greenery, wildlife, and history. I’m not saying these places do not exist in Los Angeles, but nothing in my opinion beats a good old (legitimately old, circa 1500’s) English park. Moving here and discovering I was so close to Hyde Park has been a serious treat. I love taking my usual path and ending up on the same bench (the bench where Damon Albarn wrote “Parklife” for his band Blur, look for the plaque on the bench).
Make sure to walk to the Serpentine and near the boathouses you will see some amazing wildlife. The swans are my absolute favorite! I had actually never seen one before coming here. Feeding them is a lot of fun, but beware, they will follow you around for more food! If you are in London take the time to go to the park and enjoy some nature!
For information on Hyde Park including a map, landmarks, and refreshments visit royalparks.org.uk
PS: Bring the swans lettuce!
K xo