Hi guys! Are you ready for some Spring cleaning?
I have been tackling a personal organizing mission, going through my bathroom items! Storage in UK bathrooms is far less than what I have been spoiled with in the states.
As I was going through makeup, hoping to discard bone dry foundation bottles and too dark creams (I can't tan to save my life), I realized that one of my number one used foundation bottles had TONS of hidden product still inside that the pump was no longer able to push out.
As an organizer I believe in decluttering and not holding on to items that you do not need, but seeing this trapped makeup that I use every day at the bottom of the bottle drove me crazy!
Instead of tossing it right away I decided to try to extract what was left and use it all up before moving on to the next bottle! How many of us throw away makeup products because we think they're empty? I know I've done it!
-First step is to try pumping out all the makeup normally (if your bottle has the small push pump). This will easily clear out anything that you can use straight away.
-Next, can you turn the bottle upside down? Maybe balance it on its cap? This will bring all of the liquid product to the cap. Be aware that when you unscrew or open the top you could have a lot of product come rushing out! I wouldn't wear your nicest outfit while doing this. Trust me, because I did!
-After a few hours all of your makeup will have settled to the bottom and be easily accessible once you open the cap. I had my bottles rest overnight.
-Now take your small travel screw top container, like the one pictured above (you can by these at any drug store), and open the lid.
-Loosen the lid of your makeup slowly and place the open bottle over the new small plastic container and shake that baby out! I even rested my makeup bottle over the container so it could drain all of the liquid makeup out. Give it a few taps if you need to.
-Tip: use the pump to scrape out any excess makeup that is slow to come out of the bottle. Don't be afraid to use your fingers!
Tadaa!! You're finished! Now chuck that empty bottle in the trash and enjoy a few days more worth of makeup! It's a bit of work but if you're using an expensive foundation or just want to get what you paid for, like me, it's worth the extra 10 mins of work! I'm sure you can do this for any liquid beauty products such as lotions and foundations.
Do you have any makeup hacks that you use? Comment below and let me know!
K xo