May 7, 2015
How is your relationship going? Having a rough patch? Avoiding the mess?
I’m talking about your relationship with your closet of course!
You should love your closet and all the goodies you keep in it. When you look at your closet it shouldn’t make you want to stay in your pjs all day because the task of finding “that” shirt you wanted to wear today might take you hours to actually locate. (If you do hang out in your jammies all day, because of a non-closet related reason, that’s all good. I do it too!)
So, do you and your closet need some therapy to get back on the right track?
That’s what organizers are here for! My dream is to have you open up your closet and feel relaxed, happy, even excited! Closets can be fun, but most importantly should be functional. If you can’t find your work clothes ten minutes before you leave, or that top you wanted to wear on a first date, it’s going to be frustrating!
Creating more space is also important. The picture above are some of the bulky (but beautiful) wood hangers that I used for a closet makeover. All of the clothes hangers in this couples closet were wood, but to make more space for hanging clothes we found a compromise. Isn’t that what relationships are all about?
On her side we used the thinner felt hangers that have become so popular, and on his side we used the more masculine wood hangers! This created more space for hanging her clothes and still kept around the hangers he preferred.
You can buy the thin felt hangers in so many retail stores now! Places like Target, Marshall’s, Home Goods, and even on Amazon if you want to shop online. They come in almost every color so you can also spice up your closet space by adding some color.
I wish you and your closet a long and happy relationship!
Contact me if you have any questions!
K xo