Succulents aren't going anywhere!
After staring longingly at every terrarium and cactus I came into contact with I decided to take the plunge. I would own a terrarium!
Recently cacti and terrariums have become increasingly popular and it doesn't seem to be a trend that will fade away anytime soon. Our house needed a little green pick me up so I set out to make a black thumb friendly, cost effective terrarium. Guess what? It's totally possible to do!
Set off to your local Hobby Lobby and get ready for some fun. (Or if you like online shopping like me, order away!)
What you will need:
-terarrium of your choice: Hobby Lobby has many different fun shapes and finishes, I chose the "Small Square Gold Metal & Glass Terrarium"
-artifical succulent: I only needed one "succulent pick" to fill my terrarium even though I purchased two. For those of you who want a real succulent always remember to go to your local hardware shop and take a look. I recently took a trip to a well known home furniture and accessories store and they were selling their small cacti for anywhere between $10-$20, ouch! That's not even counting the $40 terrarium.
-bag of moss: I chose the "Green & Red Moss Variety Pack"
-scissors: you can cut the bendy "stem" of your artificial succulent if you need to, my tip is to bend it and use it to keep your succulent in place
Worlds Easiest Instructions:
-Go ahead and place your succulent inside the terrarium and position it. You can use the metal bendable "stem" to help your succulent stay propped up. Don't worry this will get covered with the moss!
-Open your bag of moss and pick out your favorite pieces. I chose to leave the red color out of my terrarium. Scatter the wood chip pieces on the bottom and then continue to layer the fluffier moss on top. This will give your terrarium a realistic look.
-Spin your terrarium around and make sure your moss is covering your succulent stem.
Congrats! You're now the proud owner of a maintenance free terrarium! How cool are you? In total my terrarium cost less than $25 and I had an extra succulent and moss left over. Don't forget that Hobby Lobby usually has a 40% off coupon, use this for your terrarium if it isn't already on sale.
Happy planting!
K xo